Camp Interns Attend at a Reduced Rate!

If you are an intern at a camp in the Allegheny Section and would like to help us during this year’s Sectional Meeting, we would love for you to join us free of charge. We are looking for help in the kitchen, making beds, and with childcare. You will still be able to attend a minimum of 1 Workshop and 1 General Session. This year, White Sulphur Springs can accommodate 16 intern volunteers, specifically 8 guys, and 8 girls.  First come, first served. When these slots are full, interns wanting to attend will attend at the full adult rate. Interns should arrive Sunday night with training in the morning. You must be able to stay and help until 3pm on Wednesday. If you are interested in this responsibility, please send names and gender of interns to Chris Berge, our volunteer coordinator, at as soon as possible but no later than Friday, 16 Feb 2024.   Also include one name with email and cell number of the camp's full-time staff point of contact for all the interns from that camp.